Start Locally

Select your preferences and run the install command. Please ensure that your system met the minimum requirements as below.

Hardware Requirements:

- Dual core Intel Processor (quad-core or better recommended)
- 4GB of RAM (8GB or more recommended)
- 50GB of free disk space for Vivado installation (this does not apply if you already have a recent Vivado installation 2022.2).

Software Requirements:

- Vivado Design Suite 2022.2: Download here (registration required).
- Xilinx Vitis (Only required if it wasn't previously selected during Vivado Installation): Download here (registration required).

VSI Build
Download from here:
VSI Build
Follow these steps:
Download the installation file from Here

Installing on Linux

This document explains how to install Visual System Integrator on Ubuntu Linux Host. The instructions might also work for other linux variants but we have only tested these instructions on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 and Centos 7.9.




  • Manually follow steps to download and install Visual System Integrator.

Running the Installer

  1. Download the installation file from Here (Make sure to choose the major version that corresponds to the Vivado version that is installed on the host)2
  2. Open a terminal where the installer is, then run it as follows (where «vsi_install» is an install path of your choosing. You must have write privileges on install directory; if dir does not exist, it will be created):
    • chmod +x
    • ./ --target <<vsi_install>>
  3. The following commands must be done in the shell where you will launch vsi:
    • source <<vivado_install>>/
    • source <<vsi_install>>/
  4. Optional: if you have already received your license, copy it to $VSI_INSTALL directory.
  5. To launch VSI, execute the command vsi. If the installation was successful then you should see text similar to this:
     Visual System Integrator version: V2022.1_Release_1.0, Compiler: "GNU - 6.5.0 20181026", Buildhost: " - Linux-4.4.0-142-generic", Date: 2021-06-22T11:49:20
  6. If you don’t see similar text then see Troubleshooting


  1. Typically a modern linux distribution released within the last 5 years should work; we recommend Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (or newer) or Centos 7.6 (or newer)
  2. Certain VSI features are only available on newer releases. For a feature comparison matrix, look here

Installing on Windows

This document explains how to install Visual System Integrator on a Windows 10 x64 Pro Host. These instructions might work on other Windows variants however we have only tested them on Windows 10 x64.



  • Use the Powershell script to download and install Visual System Integrator automatically.
  • Manually follow steps to extract and install Visual System Integrator
Use Powershell Script

Coming Soon

Manual Steps
  1. Download the installation file from Here (Make sure to choose the major version that corresponds to the Vivado version that is installed on the host)4
  2. Extract the compressed file in a directory of your choice (example: C:\Systemview\VSI).
  3. set environment variable VSI_INSTALL which should point to the directory where you extracted the file
    • command prompt: setx VSI_INSTALL C:/Systemview/VSI (to make the change permanent, add it to system->advanced->environment variables)
  4. Append $VSI_INSTALL/host/linux_x86_64/bin to your $PATH to be able to launch VSI from commandline
    • command prompt: setx PATH %PATH%;%VSI_INSTALL%\host\windows.x86_64\bin (to make the change permanent, add it to system->advanced->environment variables)
  5. Optional: if you have already received a VSI license, copy it over to %VSI_INSTALL% directory.
  6. Run VSI: Open a command prompt window and issue the command vsi.exe. If the installation was successful then you should see text similar to this:
     Visual System Integrator version: V2017.1_HEAD-29-gdc85abc, Compiler: "GNU - 5.4.0 20160609", Buildhost: "nanl - Linux-4.4.0-72-generic", Date: 2017-04-07T17:24:29
     loading Visual System Integrator...
  7. If you don’t see similar text then see Troubleshooting
  8. Windows HLS build fail, There is a walk around solution.
    • C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2017.4\win64\tools\clang\include\c++\4.5.2\exception_ptr.h add the below code before extern “C++”: ``` #ifdef __clang__ class type_info; #endif
     - `C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2017.4\win64\tools\clang\include\c++\4.5.2\nested_exception.h` delete the following code:
     template<typename \_Ex>
     inline void
     \__throw_with_nested(_Ex&& \__ex, const nested_exception* = 0)
     { throw \__ex; }


  9. Pathname longer than 256 characters are not supported on Windows 10 Home Edition.
  10. Make sure to select SDK in installation options
  11. Only required if Vivado was preinstalled without the Embedded SDK or if it was not selected during Vivado Installation.
  12. Certain VSI features are only available on newer releases. For a feature comparison matrix, look here