### vsi::runtime::Net This Utility class is used by TcpServer, TcpClient and Interconnect to provide data move over TCP. #### Function Reference - Constructs a `Net` class. ``` Net(int socktype, unsigned short port, Log *log, const char *server_name = "localhost", std::function _callback = [] (spBuffer) {}) ``` - `socktype`: Sets the socket type. Supported types are `SOCK_STREAM` for TCP and `SOCK_DGRAM` for UDP. - `port`: Sets the port. It is a shared number that can be used to listen on or to connect to, depending on which method is called afterwards. - `log`: A log object belonging to the parent component. - `server_name`: A host name. It will be resolved to an IP and used as a host to connect to if `connect()` is used and as a host to allow connection from if `listen()` is used. - `connect()`: Attempts to connect to a server on the shared port number. - `listen()`: Binds to the shared port and starts listening for incoming connections. - `end()`: Disconnect from clients and/or server. - `connected()`: Returns true if a connection is established.