vsi::device Class


Available from version 2017.1, this class allows blocks residing in the Software Context, to directly communicate with AXI Memory mapped devices in the Hardware Context. The class exposes a “posix” compliant API which allows easy access to the devices . The class would typically be used as an argument to a function, and should be connected to an AXI Memory Mapped interface in an Hardware Context. If the Argument is a vsi::device the Access Type must be either “Memory” or “Control”.

Public APIs

int vsi::device.write (void *buff, size_t count);

Will write count bytes from buff to the device. It reqturns the number of bytes actually written to the device. Write is a blocking operation.

void write_mem(vsi::device &mem) {
	char buff[12] = “hello world”;

int vsi::device.read(void *buff, size_t count);

This is will read the number of count number of bytes from the device and place it into buff, it returns the number of bytes actually read. Read is a blocking operation.

void read_mem(vsi::device &mem) {
     char buff[1024];
     if (mem.read(buff,sizeof(buff)) != sizeof(buff)) {
          printf(“Not Enough Data\n”);

int vsi::device.pwrite(void *buff, size_t count, size_t offset);

The function will write count number of bytes from the buff at offset specified by offset. This function is blocking and can be used to write values at a specific offset such as a register in a device. It returns the number of bytes actually written.

void set_timer (vsi::device &t_dev) {
    unsigned int TLR = 0;
    t_dev.pwrite(&TLR,sizeof(TLR),4); // write to 0 register at offset 4

int vsi::device.pread(void *buff,size_t count, size_t offset);

The function will read count number of bytes into buff from offset specified by offset. This function is blocking and can be used to read values from a register in a device. It returns the number of bytes actually read.

	int get_timer (vsi::device &t_dev) {
    unsigned int TLR =0;
    if (t_dev.pread(&TLR,sizeof(TLR),4) != sizeof(TLR)) // read from offset 4
        printf(“ Read Failed\n”);
    return TLR;

int vsi::device.poll(int timeout);

Waits for interrupt / data to become available to read, for devices with no interrupts this function will return immediately. The timeout parameter is in milliseconds.

int vsi::device.device_fd();

Returns the File Descriptor associated with this device. Note that the file descriptor is NOT available for devices running on a simulator context or a non-hardware context, the function call will cause an assertion if called for a device which is not associated with a file descriptor.